ANY politician, such as MEP Chris Davies, who supposes that we deliberately waste fuel, given the price it is, is not living in the real world.

He and his ilk can well afford to pay the high prices of gas and electricity as they vote themselves pay rises and generous expenses which the taxpayers have no choice but to underwrite.

He also needs to know that humanity is by no means proved to be the principal culprit for global warming. Solar activity and sub-oceanic volcanoes have a lot to do with it, and that the Flat Earth Society exists to remind us that scientists are not infallible.

Readers need not be overimpressed by Mr Davies's apparent voice of authority. He is a career politician whose job depends on promulgating European propaganda, including rubbishing the UKIP, whom he clearly sees as a dangerous threat to his cosy job.

KEITH ELLEL, Westwood Ave, Rishton.