WHAT a strange email from your correspondent who tried so hard recently to defend obesity. She seems to really believe that "sports injuries" among the healthy and fit cost the NHS more than the effects of overeating.

Well Jackie, here's an example: I have enjoyed football, cycling, fell-running, canoeing, skiing and tennis whenever I could, and now that I'm starting to slow down I spend my leisure time playing squash and badminton, swimming and fell walking - and I'm not naturally athletic. A burden on the NHS? In 50 working years I have had just two days off (the result of contracting dysentery in South Africa).

I may not be typical, but perhaps a good example. Now, how many "fatties" can expect to even complete 40 working years?

Those of us who enjoy exercise should feel sorry or those who don't and who get too plump as a result. In fact, and this is the main point, I reckon we should do all we can to help and persuade our fellows, particularly the children, to exercise, stay slim and thus enjoy life all the more.

Last year my wife spent six weeks touring New Zealand. What a fit and happy nation that is.

Most Kiwis seem to walk or cycle to school or work, many spend their lunch hours walking or running, after work they are running again, many pushing a child, believe it or not, in a three-wheeled buggy.

At weekend the roads around the towns are thronged with cyclists. And in the parks, while our teenagers sit around smoking, drinking, abusing passers-by and each other, the Kiwi kids, in small friendly circles, play.

It is true of course that some people are prevented by medical conditions from exercising sufficiently. But are those unfortunates happy to be fat?

Eschew sugars in favour of fresh fruit and veg until you can see your feet again, try walking in our lovely countryside, any kind of enjoyable exercise that makes you puff a bit and sweat.

You may be amazed at how much better you feel after joining the ranks of the healthy. And when you stop seeing your doctor I'll be grateful for the tax you have saved me.

JACK BUSHBY (address supplied).