I would urge your readers to resolve to make a difference this year and support the British Polio Fellowship in raising awareness of the plight of those living with polio and Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) in the UK.

This year is the fellowship’s 75th anniversary and our colleagues in the European Polio Union have prepared a manifesto for the disabled, making specific reference to PPS.

This calls on the EU Parliament and national parliaments to recognise polio survivors in their own right and finally deliver official acknowledgement of PPS.

You can help by asking your MP to support an Early Day Motion in Parliament tabled by MP Andrew Love; and by ensuring your prospective MEP supports the manifesto in the European Parliament elections in May.

MPs and MEPs are your representatives and making it clear to them that the rights of the disabled matter, the better it is for us all.

Details of how you can get involved are on the charity’s website at britishpolio.org.uk – which has a lot of advice for those with polio or PPS – or call us on freephone 0800 018 0586.

Ted Hill MBE, chief executive, The British Polio Fellowship.