Does anyone work in Medical Records at Royal Blackburn Hospital, I wonder?

As a minister of three churches there is usually someone in hospital needing a visit and I usually ring the hospital to check which ward the person is on and that the person I wish to visit is still in hospital.

On six separate occasions over the last two weeks, someone has answered my call, listened to my request, then said, “I’ll put you through to medical records.”

After a few minutes of listening to music I give up and try again but exactly the same thing happens.

I cannot get back to the switchboard and this is now getting an expensive and time- wasting hobby.

I assume you are all very busy in Medical Records but please, pick up the phone. I’m sure I’m not the only person frustrated by this lack of response.

Rev Lena Talbot, Duxbury Street, Darwen.

A spokesman for East Lancashire Hospitals Trust said: “The Medical Records Department at RBH is staffed 24/7 by a very conscientious and excellent team of staff. The admissions desk where these calls would be directed to is manned constantly during office hours. However, this is a busy line and must have been engaged when the caller called. In order to improve the situation for callers, we have liaised with switchboard and made them aware of this, and asked that alternative numbers are used when the main telephone line is busy.”