MY first reaction to the proposed shake-up of school governor rules was: ‘Ha ha ha’.

Just recently I have become aware of how poor schools are. Well actually not the schools because the school is not a person.

Head teachers like to keep things quiet and try to deal with them inside the school – even dangerous things where the pupils/staff are put at risk.

Children should be attending school with the ability to learn. And this should start with home.

For ome, bad behaviour actually pays – look at all the agencies and pen pushers inolved with bad behaviour, from GPs and hospitals to social services, health visitors, police, etc.

The solution is simple and anyone with any sense should be able to see it: Stop TV, degrading music, alchohol, cigarettes, Jeremy Kyle, magazines and junk food.

And stop the medication that is given to children to dumb them down because parents can’t be bothered making the effort (this is a gateway for more benefits too).

Take away all of the above from children and give them a healthy diet, body and mind. That would benefit them the most.

Responsible parents need to educate themselves and take responsibility for their children.

mumof3 (via website).