Although you have a serious number of head-in-sand types who deny climate change, sooner or later we have to accept that our weather has now altered, and unfortunately for the wetter.

If memory serves correctly, this summer would be our sixth wash- out in a row. It’s generally dry in May, then there’s a little dry bit after a mostly wet summer.

At the same time, three out of the last four winters have seen serious snow – some of the very best I’ve ever seen and I’ve lived on the edge of the moors for nearly 40 years.

The upshot is that we’ve moved to a monsoon-style climate. We should, therefore, adapt accordingly.

I don’t know what that means on an agricultural level other than we have to change. On a technological level, I see no reason why we shouldn’t be investing in small-scale hydro-electric power for homes, for instance – research into using the power of rain- water to generate electricity on a small scale, just as solar panels do on people’s roofs!

We need to play to our strengths, and that strength unfortunately now seems to be rain.

Jack Herer (via website).