Many years ago, I ran a successful road safety campaign in the run-up to Christmas about the dangers of drink-driving (‘Death road speed action meeting’, LT, November 26).

We positioned smashed cars in various places along a problem road, not dissimilar to Bull Hill, Darwen: cars that had been involved in fatal crashes, with dummies hanging out of windows (you can picture the scene), blood and gore.

It worked – shock factor. Folk slowed down, they took heed. Drivers are quite good really, they can be programmed, educated. Give the right people the tools to do the job.

However, with this current trend of health and safety, and human rights, you will always get someone who wants to hold people’s hands throughout their life.

Sharp, hard lessons need to be learnt, young drivers need to be shown they are not invincible. You only need to look in the local newspapers: people die all the time on roads, and it’s nearly always down to driver error I travel this road a couple of times a month, when visiting Darwen, and it never ceases to amaze me at other drivers’ stupidity.

The immediate solution is a couple of well-placed Police Road Traffic units, a few smashed cars, and long- term education, the police ‘stop and educate’ programme and the current pain of my life, Lancashire Police Traffic camera vans.

People will continue to be killed by their own stupidity until they realise the dangers of this road.

Ex-Pat Local Man (via website).