Regarding your editorial comment that the Church is outdated. Can I remind you that it is actually the Bible that clearly states that there should be no women bishops in the Church.

As such, there actually shouldn’t be any need for a vote by the General Synod because, if they actually bothered to read the Bible, which is the word of God, and apply its teaching, they wouldn’t be in this ridiculous situation in the first place.

You cannot simply ‘cherry pick’ bits of the Bible just to suit public opinion and remain in step with current values.

Otherwise, the Bible would be worthless as God’s authority. Think about how it would read: God said this (until 2012, when we decided that what God actually said was this. . .) Ridiculous isn’t it?

What’s written is written, and it is an individual’s choice as to whether they choose to accept it or not.

Don’t, however, ask a Bible-based church to water down God’s word. Otherwise, how could it have any credibility if it swapped and changed to court current public opinion?

Iain Hargreaves, Blackburn.