BAG snatchers are preying on elderly women in the Accrington town centre.

In the last three months, there have been 12 reports of purse thefts from vulnerable pensioners while they have been shopping in Broadway, police said.

Town centre police have now secured funding for 100 purse alarms to be given out to shoppers.

Police Community Support Officer Paul Crossland said: “We have had a lot of complaints from elderly residents that they have had their purses stolen while out shopping in Accrington.

“In the last three months the number of complaints has reached more than double figures.

“This sort of crime is really upsetting to the individual as it is a violation of their personal belongings.

“We are going to be distributing these new pu-rse alarms, to make it harder for thieves to be able to help themselves.

“The neighbourhood pol-icing team is also mon-itoring the situation with extra patrols.”

Asda Accrington and Age Concern have paid for the alarms.

They are fixed to the shopper’s purse and bag and are triggered when the purse is removed forcibly.

Officers will give out the alarms and fix them to residents’ bags on July 6.

Homewise and Lancashire Fire and Rescue will also be at Asda car park, in Hyndburn Road from noon to offer safety advice.

Anyone over the age of 55 can collect a free alarm.

For more information you can call PCSO Cross-land on the number01254 353103.