CHILDREN’S safety is being put at risk because horses are being allowed to graze in a play area, according to worried residents.

Since May, two horses have been tethered to a post on a field between Fairfield Terrace and Coal Pit Lane, in Accrington, known locally as Balloon Field.

The horses are owned by a member of the travelling community.

Users say the land was donated to the borough over 50 years ago to be used by children, and has at one time featured swings and other play equipment.

Now nearby resident John Francis believes the recreational use is under threat.

He said: “Within a few days of the horses being tethered in the area, there was a distinct smell of manure and urine.

“I was unable to take my grandson for a kick of football or cricket, nor were any other local children able to play, due to the safety and hygiene factor.

“I am frightened that someone young or old will be injured by these horses, which can eaily be spooked by a disturbance, such as a thunderstorm.

“The owner should put his hand in his pocket and pay a local farmer to rent a field with a boundary wall or fence.”

Spring Hill councillor Pam Barton has been working with Hyndburn Council to resolve the matter.

She said: “I am very, very concerned about the situation and have been to the field three times to inspect what is going on.

“It is a beautiful piece of land.

“And people’s enjoyment is being spoilt as well as their safety being put at risk.

“The horses are being moved around, meaning that manure and urine is now affecting large areas.

“But I have been working closely with all the revelant authorities and, though procedures do take time, I am confident that the issue will be resolved in the near future.”