Darwen Aldridge Community Academy Sixth Form Centre secured record-breaking A-Level results.

Their students gained a 98 per cent pass rate with a quarter of the results at A* and A grades, and 36 per cent of the results at A*, A and B grades.

Darwen Aldridge Community Academy principal, Brendan Loughran, said: “For the second year in a row, the Academy will see a dramatic increase in Darwen students progressing to University and the indication from these results is that all University applicants will have secured their places.

“With the combination of the experiences of the Academy’s entrepreneurship curriculum and the good grades, the Academy students are in a league of their own when it comes to progressing into Higher Education or the workplace.”

Darwen Aldridge Community Academy Sixth Form Centre student Saba Ali Shah spoke for many when she said: “I can’t thank my teachers enough.”


S Ali Shah hi C, lw B, re C, ur A*; E Avanzi it;v Merit; J Brown btechs Dis, ps D, gs C; G Butler btecps Pass, btecsp PassPass; J Coates btecbs Dis, it;v Merit; C Conn btechs Dis, el C, ps B; D Conway btecbs Merit, btectt Merit, it;v Pass; S Dean it;v Merit; J Dickinson btecsp DisDis, fa E, ms C; S Duxbury btechs Dis, hi C, ps B; J Eastham bs B, fa B, l3 A*, ma B, ph C; M Fay btecps Pass, btecsp PassPass; J Hall fa D, ms C, pg D; L Harrison it;v Dis, lw C, ms A; D Hennan fa A, lw B, ps C; A Hilliard it;v Pass; W Hilton fa C, it;v Merit, pg B; J Hind btecps Pass, btecsp PassPass; D Holden bs C, it;v Dis, l3 A*, ma A*; G Hulme btecsp DisDis, fa C, ms C, pg C; B Hunter btecps Pass, btecsp PassPass; A Iltaf btecbs Dis, btechs Merit, it;v Dis; J James btecsp PassPass; C Kershaw btecsp DisDis; C Marsden it;v Merit; E Mason btecps Merit, btecsp MeritPass; C McGibbon btecps Pass, btecsp PassPass; S Morris btecps Merit, it;v Merit; L Parkinson it;v Merit, pg D; M Riding ck D, el C, hi B; E Sagar btecsp DisDis, ms C; K Speirs btechs Dis, hi B, ps C; K Stewart btecbs Dis, btechs Dis, gs C; T Thornber ch D, fa B, l3 A*, ma C, ph E; B Wilks it;v Pass, ms D; J Williamson ard E, btechs Merit, ps D.

Click on the link below for our photo gallery of A-Level students.