A former stray dog, trained to react to sounds in the home, has been rewarded after helping his deaf owner retain her independence.

Emma Seed, who works for the Forensic Science Service in Euxton, has seen her life transformed by Sidney, a tiny Jack Russell, who was this month named Hearing Dog of the Month by the charity which trained him.

As a four-month-old puppy, Sidney was found wandering the streets of Southampton, but after his potential was spotted by a kennel manager he was selected for training by Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.

He than went to live with Emma, who is profoundly deaf, in March 2007.

Sidney has been trained to alert Emma, 29, to many household sounds which she cannot hear including the doorbell, telephone, alarm clock and smoke alarm.

Emma, who lives in Preston, said that her life contained many challenges before she got Sidney.

She said: “The house was quiet as I couldn’t hear anything, and I would have to sleep with a vibrating alarm clock under my pillow.

“I also had lots of ear infections through having to wear my hearing aids 24 hours a day, as I was scared I wouldn’t hear the smoke alarm at night.

“If I knew someone was coming to visit, I would have to sit in the kitchen so I would hear the door bell ringing.”

All of that changed with the arrival of Sidney.

“Sidney made such a difference to my life straight away,” Emma said.

“From the first day I had him I took my hearing aids out in bed and let him wake me up.

“It was the best night’s sleep I’d had for years. He always tells me if someone is at the door or the phone is ringing.”

Sidney’s charm and personality have weaved their magic on Emma’s work colleagues.

“Everyone loves Sidney at work,” said Emma.

“My manager has said that every department needs a Sidney.

“After saying hello to everyone, he lies in his bed.

“I really don’t know what I would do without Sidney now. I know I’m safe when I’m with him.”