It’s “John’s” first day back after calling in sick. He said it was food poisoning but this is one of several very similar occurrences in the last 12 months and, quite frankly, you’re getting fed up with “John”. Still, I would advise you to be WARM with John.

Welcome John back and ask if he is feeling better now.

Absence! Ask John about what he think caused his illness. Discuss the fact this has happened before and show him the pattern he is falling into. Could this indicate a long term issue? With short responses from John stay silent until he continues to speak and let him be the one to volunteer information rather than you making assumptions.

Responsibility. Explain to John the impact his absence has on his team and on your business.

Move on. Explain what John what he has missed and what his next duties are.

BUT ensure you have a strong absence management policy to back this up. The next time you may wish to get a lot tougher with John!

Watch out for The HR Dept.’s seminar in May on Absence Management. More information on 0845 296 2198.