‘The Chamber are pleased to announce we will be hosting all of the sales & marketing events for the Marketing Minds Academy® in 2015. Supporting those in a marketing role, the MMA provides structure, expertise, training and support to private, public and third sector organisations throughout the North West.

Delivered via a membership package, members have access to workshops, peer group sessions, marketing expertise, 24/7 online member’s area and a Google+ Community.

‘With at least one event on per month and a wealth of support online, we make sure our members don’t waste their valuable time and money on activities which slow down their growth and don’t return an investment,’ explains Jean Atkinson, Founder. ‘Our members range from business owners, through to marketing apprentices and senior Chartered marketers.’ The full calendar for 2015 is now available to view via their website: www.marketingminds.info and guests are welcome to attend their first event for free to meet members, learn and understand how the MMA can reduce your overheads, increase your sales & help you gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. Next event: 23rd January, 9am-12noon – Getting to Grips with Google+.