QUITTING smoking could be the best financial decision you ever made - just ask Karen Swainston-Thomas.

Karen, 49, of Rowan Grove, Burnley, kicked her 20-a-day habit just 10 months ago, and in that short time has managed to save more than £3,000: enough to buy a sporty new car.

It was the effect on her health which made her decide to give up. But she soon realised just how much she was saving.

On No Smoking Day this week, NHS East Lancashire called on other smokers to think about how stubbing out the cigarettes could help them through the recession.

Karen, a mother-of-three who works for the Lancashire Adult Learning Service, said: “I first tried a cigarette at the age of 10, but I started smoking properly when I was 17. I was smoking around five a day, but pretty soon it went up to 20 a day.

“I had tried to stop smoking in the past. But after the odd smoke-free month here and there, I’d end up succumbing to temptation, especially when I was around other people who smoke.”

Five years ago, she was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse - damage to her heart - and she knew her smoking was making her palpitations worse.

She said: “I realised that this was no way to live my life, so I had to quit smoking for good. The staff at the Stop Smoking Service were great, as they talked me through different aids and treatments, so I could choose what worked best for me.

“After attending the class and taking the nicotine tablets over two weeks, I had practically stopped smoking altogether, so I found it easy to stick to my quit date.

“When you’re a smoker, you prioritise cigarettes over everything else. The expense seems like a necessity, but now I’ve quit, I am able to enjoy luxuries that I would never have been able to afford.

“I put away all the money I was saving, and within 10 months I had £3,000 so I could afford a new car!”

Hundreds of people pledged to give up smoking with NHS East Lancashire on No Smoking Day this week, but stopping smoking at any time can save the average 20-a-day smoker more than £300 in just three months.

For help to quit smoking, call Hyndburn, Ribble Valley, Blackburn and Darwen - 01254 35809; Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale - 01282 607002, or e-mail: stopsmoking@eastlancspct.nhs.uk