A COUNCIL had to send out a letter refuting claims in an election leaflet that a mosque and homes were to be demolished.

Burnley Borough Council issued the statement saying they were not planning to knock down the Shah Jalal Mosque being built in Burns Street or most' homes in Daneshouse and Stoneyholme.

A Labour leaflet claimed the Liberal Democrats had put forward plans to demolish the houses and mosque in our area and in our community'.

David Brown, director of environment responsible for planning, told residents in a statement: "An election leaflet is circulating in your area containing incorrect information.

"There are no plans to demolish the mosque being built in Burns Street.

The statement added: "The majority of houses across Daneshouse and Stoneyholme will not be demolished. Burnley Council is developing a plan for the future of your neighbourhood that includes some demolition to build new homes, but it is factually incorrect to state most' of the houses will be demolished."

The council is devising an Area Action Plan which may see the demolition of old homes to make way for new homes. A consultation is set to take place before the plans are finalised.

Currently the mosque is run from two terraced houses in Burns Street.

The leaflet was later withdrawn, but Labour said it was for technical reasons rather than content ones.

Coun Shah Hussain, on whose behalf the Labour leaflet was issued, claimed the information about the mosque was accurate.

Coun Hussain, who originally fought for the mosque being built on Burns Street, said: "I fully support the mosque being built.

"The mosque is being built so why does the Area Action Plan refer to another mosque being built to replace this one.

"The council has put forward plans to demolish the homes and the mosque without consulting people."

The Liberal Democrat election agent in the ward, Darren Reynolds, said: "There is a genuine offer for people living in regeneration areas to give the council their views on what they think should be done in their area.

"We have changed the plans before in response to residents, and if that is what residents want, we will do it again."