IN years gone by, we could rely on our neighbours to keep an eye on our home when we went away on our holidays, however Britain’s lack of neighbourly love these days means many of us would barely even notice something suspicious going on next door.

In fact, a new study shows that almost half of us would not report something suspicious happening at their neighbour’s property to the police, while one in ten even admit they would do nothing as they don’t know their neighbours well enough and/or wouldn’t want to get involved.


Less than half of us tell our neighbours we are going away, while only a third have looked after a neighbours’ house when they’re away.

The study conducted by Admiral Home Insurance also shows that less than one in five people belong to neighbourhood watch schemes.

So could a return to more friendly neighbourhoods actually increase safety and security in your area? And what could you do for your neighbours this summer when they go away to help protect their property?