A TRAMPOLINING youngster is needed to provide the face of a new campaign.

Get Britain Bouncing, which promotes aerial acrobatics while helping to raise funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, wants a photograph of a child from Blackburn or Chorley, and aged between four and 16 to act as an ambassador.

Martin Schofield, CEO of trampoline firm Super Tramp, which is supporting the campaign, said: “Children who would like to be considered need to send a photo of themselves making an interesting shape on a trampoline. They can be as creative as they like but must stay safe at all times.”

Sue Piper, senior corporate and trust fundraising manager for the charity, said: “Families of children who have cystic fibrosis often use trampolines as a fun way to help them do their daily physio and we’re delighted to be part of this new campaign.”

To apply, parents should download an entry form from getbritainbouncing.org.uk and email it with their child’s photograph to info@getbritain bouncing.org.uk before Friday May 31.

To donate to Cystic Fibrosis Trust, text Jump23 and the amount you wish to give to 70070.