IT shouldn’t be too difficult for pupils at St Barnabas’ Primary School, Darwen, to get used to their new deputy headteacher.

And there is no need to scratch the current incumbent’s name from her office door.

For retiring Helen Thomas will be replaced next year by...Helen Thomas.

Fifty-three-year-old Mrs Thomas has chosen to end her 25-year stint at the school to travel and spend time with her family.

She said: “I have loved it. It is a fantastic school with wonderful children, wonderful parents and wonderful staff.

“In my time here I have lived and breathed the school and my family has suffered a little.

“So I want to go and spend some time with them.

“I will miss the school but it is the right time to go.”

Mrs Thomas will leave at the end of term on July 20, but a celebration service will be held for her on July 18.

But she intends to stay in touch with staff and pupils at St Barnabas.

She said: “I will be visiting to show off my tan.”

Headteacher Alison Howarth said Mrs Thomas would be sadly missed.

She said: “Helen has been here 25 years since starting out as a supply teacher.

“She is a valuable member of staff. I really couldn’t do without her.

“Helen lives near the school and is part of the community. She is just fantastic.

“She will be missed. The children are already getting upset about it.”

On Mrs Thomas’s replacement, she said: “It is a coincidence.

“The new Helen is lovely. She had a great rapport with the school as soon as she walked in.

“She’s been acting deputy at a school in Lancashire and has been in a few times.

“There has been a good handover from the old Helen to the new one.

“She will bring a new approach that will help us develop St Barnabas into a school of excellence in all areas.”