PETITIONS about two Islamic schools opening in Blackburn have been handed to council bosses.

Blackburn with Darwen Council has accepted a 20 signature petition against plans to convert an industrial unit into a madrassa and a 18 signature one of support for another that was given permission in a former shop.

Separate planning applications for the after school teaching centres where children learn the Koran, the Muslim holy book, were submitted to the council.

An application, which will be decided in May, is seeking permission to the change the use of a unit in Leamington Road, Blackburn, into a madrassa.

But concerned residents fear there will be a lack of parking, overcrowding and that the building is not suitable for children.

They have collated signatures for the petition about their concerns.

The site is currently used by a trousers manufacturer which is looking to move sites due to the size of the premises and a lack of parking.

Faruk Patel is hoping to transfer his 25 pupil madrassa onto the site as his current landlord in Lynwood Road, Blackburn, will not be renewing his lease.

The application said: “There are no parking restrictions or any direct facilities outside the application site, and as the majority of children are local and within a walking distance of two to five minutes, it is envisaged that no additional cars will arrive at the application site.

“The existing number of students will merely transfer from the exiting building to the proposed application site.”

Another application, which has been approved, sought to convert the ground floor from a shop to an Islamic education centre in Cherry Street, Blackburn.

The after school teaching centre employs three members of staff and teaches a maximum of 25 students.

There are three classes for children aged four to 15. The building was sound proofed before it was approved.