A 200-YEAR-OLD gate has been stolen from one of East Lancashire’s most historic parks.

The metal ‘kissing’ gate was taken from a footpath entrance to Towneley Park in Burnley overnight on Saturday.

The gate was used by the Towneley family before their estate was sold to Burnley Council at the beginning of the 1900s.

It allows people to pass through, but not livestock. It is called a kissing gate as it touches each of two gateposts as it swings in a U shape.

The discovery was made by the daughter of the Mayor of Burnley, Coun David Heginbotham, who lives next door to the East Lodge entrance to the park, on Sunday morning.

He said he had heard something late on Saturday, which he now believed to be the thieves.

He said: “I was watching the news late at about 11 o’clock, when I heard a noise outside.

“It is pitch black out there because the lamppost across the way is covered by trees and there is no proper lighting.

“I heard this bump and then what sounded like a vehicle driving away.

"I think it was a lorry or a pick-up and they had thrown the gate on the back.

“It’s very, very sad as that gate is 200 years old.

“The scrap value is £10. But the true value of it is invaluable as a historic piece of street furniture.”

The Cliviger with Worsthorne Ward councillor said the theft angered him as it came during Heritage Week celebrations marking Burnley’s past, and because local resident John Wilson, who used to maintain the gate, died earlier this year.

He said: “I’m so sad because it was a lovely gate. They snapped it off the wall.

“Thieves are stealing anything that has got metal in it, street furniture, grid covers, anything they can get their hands on.

“We’ve got to be aware of what is going on, to inform the police and catch these criminals.”

Coun Heginbotham said he had informed police about the theft and now urged scrap dealers to notify police if they are offered the gate.

He said: “Any scrap dealer worth his salt would know that it has got great value as an architectural antique.”

Call police on 0845 125 3545.