A BURGLAR who broke into homes in Great Harwood has apologised to his victims face-to-face.

Paul Almond, 37, of Prospect Street, Great Harwood, appeared before Burnley Crown Court after pleading guilty to two burglaries.

He also had a number of other offences taken into consideration.

Almond was caught by police after a resident saw him break into a house in Westwood Street on July 6.

He had previously agreed to discuss why he had committed his crimes with his victims during at a meeting held at Accrington Police Station.

‘Restorative justice’ – where a victim and an offender are brought together to talk things through – is used to give victims the chance to gain closure, and to help offenders think about how their behaviour affects others.

PC Clare Wall chaired the meeting. She said: “Almond apologised for causing so much distress and explained that the reason he had committed the burglaries was to support his family.

“Talking this through helped put victims’ minds at rest. They saw him to be an ordinary man, not what they had imagined. One of the victims, an 11-year-old boy, had not been able to sleep since the burglary but after coming face-to-face with Almond, he said he was no longer afraid.

“All the victims were very angry and were pleased they had the chance to tell Almond how he had affected them.

“All said they felt much better as a result of the meeting.”

Almond was given a two year prison sentence which was suspended for two years and will be required to attend a drug treatment programme for six months.