TEENAGERS as young as 14 were found drunk on the streets as part of a crackdown on underage drinking.

Youth Referral Notices were handed to four 16-year-olds and two 14-year-olds in Accrington.

Another two teenagers, aged 14 and 15, were taken home while the parents of a 14-year-old girl, who believed she was at a friend’s sleepover, travelled over 20 miles in a taxi to collect her after she was found drunk in Alice Street.

A 19-year-old man was given an £80 Penalty Notice after he was caught supplying alcohol to a group of underage children.

In total, 50 children were spoken to and 20 bottles of lager, three cans of Stella Artois and two large bottles of cider were seized during the operation which was held on one night over the bank holiday weekend.

The action follows the launch of the Community Alcohol Network (CAN), an initiative run by the police and Lancashire County Council, which is aimed at tackling underage drinking through a range of activities, including targeting patrols in hotspot areas.

PC Martin Midgley said: “It is concerning that we are finding groups of young children on the streets drinking alcohol, particularly when they are lying to their parents about where they are going.

“I urge parents to make sure they are happy that their children are being truthful when they say they are staying at a friend’s house.”

County Coun Albert Atkinson said: “A recent Trading Standards North West survey showed that the number of adults who commit a criminal offence by buying alcohol on behalf of children is increasing. "Alcohol misuse is a major problem.”