A BLACKBURN businessman has become an overnight internet sensation for hitting Rupert Murdoch with a custard pie.

But instead of landing himself in trouble with the police, Tony Raynor has devised an online game giving players the chance to splat the media tycoon.

The ‘Hacked Off’ game was created as a bit of fun for staff and clients of Tony’s phone systems and services company Abbey Telecom, based in Ordnance Street, Blackburn.

But after being featured on news and gaming websites around the globe, the game is being swamped by 10,000 players a day.

Tony said that he wanted to create an amusing and harmless way for people to express their emotions about what is a very serious issue – but he has been amazed by the global demand to play such a simple game.

The managing director said: “People across Britain have been rightly outraged by this news but feel helpless and unable to do anything to let off steam.

“This is an amusing and fun way for participants to express their emotions about what is a very serious issue.

“It certainly seems to have captured the public’s imagination.”

Players can take aim at a character of their choice and see how many times they can hit the target with a pie in 30 seconds.

As well as Rupert Murdoch, players can also opt to splat James Murdoch, Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson, former Met DCC John Yates and even Prime Minister David Cameron.

Gamers simply move their mouse to line up and click to throw as their chosen target moves around the office.

To play the game, click on the link below.