POLICE have issued CCTV images of two men they want to speak to about two separate incidents.

In the first case, £30 of goods was stolen from the Co-op, in Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn, at 9.15pm on July 23.

Meat, crisps, sweets and deodorants were placed into a rucksack and stolen.

The suspect, who left in the direction of Ewood Park, is described as a white man, 5ft 2ins tall, with a shaven head and wearing a black fleece with black knee length pants with ankle socks and black shoes.

In the other case, a man is suspected of driving off without paying for £30.24 of fuel at Somerfield, Preston New Road, Blackburn.

It happened on April 28 at 8.15pm but police say they have only just received the CCTV footage. The car pictured was using false number plates.

Contact police on 0845 1253545 if you have any information about either incidents.