A SUCCESSFUL businessman who killed himself hours after being sent home from Royal Blackburn Hospital was ‘lamentably let down’, a coroner has said.

Hospital bosses have launched an investigation into the care of 30-year-old Michael Broughton, who went ‘off the rails’ after splitting from his girlfriend a week before his death.

Blackburn Coroner’s Court heard his worried family had organised a placement at the private Priory mental health hospital, near Preston, so he could be treated.

But before he could be admitted, he had to be declared medically fit by medics at Royal Blackburn and the placement confirmed.

Coroner Michael Singleton said this failed to happen and with “consequences too appalling to contemplate” he was allowed to return home.

He was found dead by his parents Frank and Glenys the next morning after taking a lethal mix of morphine and alcohol.

Mr Singleton said: “Michael attended Royal Blackburn Hospital and that was simply for doctors to confirm Michael was medically fit to be admitted to the Priory.

“It seems to me that Michael Broughton was lamentably let down by Royal Blackburn Hospital who disregarded the fact that Michael had been there a number of hours.

“They failed to understand, despite having that put before them, the simple task being required of them, and simply sent Michael Broughton home with consequences too appalling to contemplate.”

The inquest heard that Michael had suffered problems with alcohol for the two years before his death but fell ‘off the rails’ the week before his death.

Dad Frank Broughton said: “From the 15th through to the 21st he just got worse and worse.

"He had pressed the self-destruct button, he was drinking lots of alcohol, his behaviour was aggressive and he was taking about suicide.

The hearing was told on Tuesday February 15 he was arrested for drink driving outside his home in Manor Lane, Darwen, and the next day, his 30th birthday, he was “very drunk and abusive” at home.

His family doctor was called, who said Michael was severely depressed.

The next day he was taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital having taken a small overdose of co-codamol and paracetamol.

By the weekend Mr Broughton said his son was “more confused than ever”.

Mr Broughton called police and paramedics because he feared his son would harm himself and the Priory placement arranged.

Giving evidence paramedic Christopher Clark said he told nurses at the hospital what was needed to get Michael to the Priory.

At the hospital Michael was seen by two doctors over a five-hour period, Dr Panayiotis Pierides and then Dr Valluri Palli.

Dr Palli said his consultant had told him that he could not make referrals to private hospital, and that is why he sent Michael home.

Rineke Schram, medical director for East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, said: “The trust wishes to extend its condolences to Michael’s family and expresses its deep regret at his death.

“An investigation into Michael’s care is taking place and the evidence from the inquest and the coroner’s comments will be passed to the investigation team.”

Mr Singleton recorded a verdict of suicide.