CCTV images of men wanted in connection with a spate of letterbox fires have been released by police.

Lit firelighters were put through letterboxes of four terraced homes in the Hollin Bridge Street area of Blackburn.

Hollin Bridge Street

Nobody was injured and there was minimal damage to doors and hallways.

A litter bin was also set on fire.

Police want to trace two men seen at nearby Lockmill Service Station, Bolton Road, Blackburn, minutes before the fires were started.

The incident took place in the early hours of Thursday, June 23.

A joint police and fire service investigation is underway.

Det Sgt Mark Haworth-Oates from Blackburn CID: “It would appear that this is a completely random incident.

"The offenders used firelighters in an attempt to cause fire damage to the door area of the houses.

“This type of reckless behaviour could have had far more serious consequences and I would really like to speak to the men in these images who may be able to help us with our inquiries.”

Call Blackburn Police on 01254 51212 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.