A SPATE of ‘sneak in’ burglaries has sparked a police investigation in Burnley.

Thieves targeted homes in Accrington Road, Lark Street and Ivy Street, Burnley in the early hours this morning.

A Nissan Micra was stolen from Accrington Road while the owners of the other properties lost hundreds of pounds of electrical goods.

In each burglary the thief is thought to have got into the houses via open windows or unlocked doors.

Inspector Tom Riley is now warning residents to be on their guard and to make sure they keep their belongings safe by locking all windows and doors while they are out.

Insp Riley said: “Following the spate of sneak in burglaries this weekend we have increased the number of police officers on the ground.

“We have a team of plain clothed and uniformed officers out and about trying to protect the homes in Burnley but people need to do their part too.

“I would urge all residents to take responsibility for their own property and belongings and ask them to make sure that all windows and doors are locked when they go out.

“It is very tempting especially as the weather gets warmer to leave windows and doors open, but this in an invite for burglars.

“I would appeal to anyone who has seen or sees anything suspicious while out walking or on their travels around the town to contact the police directly.”

Anyone with information should call police on 0845 1 25 35 45 or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.