RUMOURS that Darwen Town Councillors are pushing to replace the Mayor have been dismissed as ‘pure speculation’.

Lib Dem Mayor Paul Browne said he had been told there would be a challenge to his position at the next council meeting by For Darwen Party Councillors Phil Jones and Tony Melia.

He said the issue has been raised after an impromptu vote was held at the last meeting to remove Coun Jones as deputy leader, put forward by Lib Dems.

But Coun Jones said: “At this stage I would say it’s pure speculation. But if anything were to be done, it would have to be put on the agenda and decided by the whole council.

“That wasn’t done when I was removed - it was an ad hoc call, a few hands were put up, and it was decided. I am looking into whether the decision was legal.”

Coun Melia was unavailable for contact.