OYEZ, oyez! A furious row has broken out in Darwen after it was announced the town crier’s bell is to be put in Blackburn Museum.

Darwen Town Council was stunned to learn that the 196-year-old bell will be put back on display at Blackburn.

Town crier Coun Anthony Meleady had used it at events such as the town’s St George’s Day celebrations in April.

But borough council deputy leader Andy Kay says the bell must now be returned as its loan to the Darwen Research Group is up.

Blackburn with Darwen Council says the bell is a ‘significant part of Darwen’s history’ and must go on display at the borough’s museum – in Blackburn.

Now, to ensure the town crier is not without the key part of his role, the town council has agreed to buy a replica for £23.94.

Darwen mayor Paul Browne said: “The bell that the town crier uses is now back at Blackburn Museum.

“The borough have taken the bell away and have said that we can’t use it any more.

“They said it was so expensive and have put it back on display in the museum.

“We have found a replica that we could buy and use. That way the town crier will have a bell.”

Town councillor Brenda Cronshaw said: “What’s the point of having a bell and sticking it in a museum? It’s ridiculous.”

Coun Kay said: “The bell, which dates back to 1815, is a significant part of Darwen’s history.

“It is usually kept at Blackburn Museum but was loaned to the Darwen Research Group for the past three years.

“As this loan period is now over, the bell had to be returned to the museum where hundreds of visitors can enjoy it.”