RAMBLERS in Pendle are swapping their old wooden sticks for hi-tech poles in a bid to get fitter.

The Finnish practice of Nordic walking has been introduced to Pendle by the borough’s leisure chiefs to encourage people to live healthier lives.

It involves using specially-designed poles with a technique similar to the action of cross-country skiing.

Because the activity utilises more of the body’s muscles than ordinary walking it helps burn considerably more calories.

People of all fitness levels are being urged to join in with group walking sessions in Alkincoats Park, Colne, every Thursday.

British Nordic Walking instructor Wayne Bowman said: “Nordic walking is based on the natural movement patterns of walking; if you can walk, you can Nordic walk.

“With the help of a qualified instructor people can improve their health and well-being dramatically.

“As well as increasing your heart rate and burning more calories, Nordic walking has been proven to release tension in the neck and increase the rotational mobility of the spine, without aggravating joint problems.”

More than 10 million people worldwide practise Nordic walking on regular basis, and in Finland 20 per cent of the population are Nordic walkers.

Group walks set off in Pendle from 10am to 11am for beginners and 11.5am to 12.30pm.

The cost is £3 per session including hire of the Nordic Walking poles.

Anyone interested should contact Wayne on 01282 661315 or email wayne.bowman@pendleleisuretrust.co.uk.