GREEN fingered students at an Accrington high school have scooped a top national award for their eco project.

The teenagers at St Christopher’s High School spent a year encouraging local people to grow their own fruit and veg after learning that by growing one garlic and two onions, it saves the equivalent of 1.5 kgs of coal in emissions from transportation, storage and retailing.

As part of their ‘Pledge 4 Veg,’ scheme, they have given away 1,000 starter kits.

On Wednesday, TV star Ben Fogle announced they were runners up in the national Npower Climate Cops competition, winning £150 bike equipment vouchers for each student and an energy saving consultation for the school.

Ben said: “St Christopher's students have proved that small actions can make a big difference.”

He added: “The innovation and creativity shown in the projects the children have designed and implemented is inspiring.”

Pupils at St Christopher’s promise this is just the start of a long term campaign which will see them increase their pledge numbers to 10,000.