AN ELECTION leaflet showing an upside-down Darwen Tower has been branded an ‘insult’.

The Liberal Democrats circulated the leaflet, which used the image as part of criticism of the rival For Darwen Party.

For Darwen leader Tony Melia, who is defending his Sunnyhurst seat on Thursday, said a resident had contacted him after seeing the leaflet.

He said: “To use it in this manner was an insult to all the people in Darwen that hold the tower close to their heart and are very proud of it.”

“He also likened it to the Union Jack, which you would not fly upside down unless you are in distress.

"He said the people of Darwen are not in distress and are insulted it.”

The leaflet is used to promote Coun Melia’s rival in Sunnyhurst, John East.

Lib Dem Paul Browne, who represents Sudell ward, hit back, accusing For Darwen of claiming credit for the town council’s achievements in its literature.