A DARWEN couple are to be rewarded for looking after 200 children during 40 years as foster parents.

As well as dedicating years looking after youngsters on a temporary basis and having a child of their own, Fred and Audrey Wearing have also adopted six children.

Audrey, 77, said: “We have always seen the children that we care for as an extension of our family, for however brief a period they may be with us for.

“We have learnt over the years not to get too attached and although sometimes it can be hard we know the children go on to live better lives for what little we may have done for them”.

The couple have mainly cared for newborns and children aged up to four years old and have kept in touch with many of the families they have worked with.

Mr and Mrs Wearing have been invited to a celebration at the Mayor’s parlour on Tuesday, May 26 in recognition of their service.

Fred, 76, added: “We have never seen fostering as a job but more of an integral part of who we are. If we could we would start all over again with it.

“We would also like to say that the support from the team throughout the years has been tremendous and second to none.”

Blackburn with Darwen Council is currently working with You Can Foster, a national campaign aiming to tackle a shortage of around 10,000 foster carers.

Karen Barrick, head of placement services, said: “I would like to congratulate Fred and Audrey on this remarkable achievement and thank them for all they have done for so my children and their families.

“We value tremendously such devoted, willing and positive foster carers.”