FIRE safety officers in Rossendale have been visiting mosques to improve relations with the borough’s Asian communities.

Fire officers have been seeking to raise awareness of domestic fires and encourage more residents in Asian communities to take up their home fire safety checks.

As a result of meetings with residents at local mosques youngsters were given high visibility armbands to boost their road safety when leaving mosques.

A spokesman for Lancashire Fire and Rescue said: “Operational crews, fire safety and the Rossendale Community Safety Partnership attended two Maddrassa’s in mosques in Haslingden to educate the children about fire safety and road safety.

“Resources were provided in the form of arm bands and DVDs about car seats and how to fit them correctly, as well as leaflets with information regarding the home fire safety checks.

“This forms part of an ongoing commitment to continue to engage with and force strong relationships with our diverse communities.”

Salim Mulla, chair of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, said: “I welcome things like that, we have encouraged all of the mosques in Lancashire to have an open door policy.

“We want many organisations to engage with the mosque sector. These are the focal points of communities and people get help and information from their mosque, so events like this are very beneficial.”