A PARANOID amphetamine addict who subjected an Accrington postman to a terrifying ordeal has been jailed.

Daniel Dwyer, 22, forced his way into Kenneth Haworth's Lydia Street home and accused him of being a police informant.

Mr Haworth was confronted by the defendant, who told him he was his worst nightmare, and smashed his bird-watching binoculars, Burnley Crown Court earlier heard.

Judge Barbara Watson had earlier adjourned sentence to see if a bail hostel or address could be found but there was none available. The defendant, who had served 112 days on remand, wanted to go back to prison to finish a drugs course.

Dwyer was sent to custody for 12 months by Judge Watson who said he was motivated to finish the course and he should be given credit for that. Dwyer, of Aitken Street, Accrington, had admitted burglary on April 25.