ARTIST’S impressions of the latest plan for a conservation area has been blasted as ‘resembling a prison’.

Hyndburn Borouggh Council hoped to encourage new proposals for the former Hill Top care home in Manchester Road, Baxenden, to suit other Christchurch Conservation Area buildings, such as the Haworth Art Gallery next door.

The council hired planning consultants to work with ward councillors and residents on the £20,000 brief, which stipulated traditional pitched roof buildings on the site where a dilapadated former care home now stands.

However, the latest application from developer I Care has been described as ‘flat-roofed and instituational’.

The planning application is for a part two and part three storey building of 36 ‘extra care’ apartments for the elderly served by 19 car parking spaces.

Both ward councillors Terry Hurn and Kathleen Pratt have objected, as have residents who are part of the Christchurch Conservation Area Residents and Friends Association.

Resident Ann McEvoy said: “The design is totally unfit for purpose and will stick out like a sore thumb.

Residents are unhappy because it just doesn’t adhere to the design brief.

It is still very overbearing and it looks like an institiution.”

At a recent cabinet meeting Coun Kath Pratt said: “Quite simply it looks like a pre-fab prison.

"The plan for this flat-topped institution is completely unsuitable for the area.

"It may just as well have bars on the window and barbed wire fence.”

Her colleague Coun Terry Hurn said: “None of the problems have been addressed by this new application.

“There are 35 properties but only 19 car parking spaces, in a busy area like Christchurch this is bound to create problems.”

Nobody from I Care was available for comment.