A TODDLER with a toilet seat stuck on her head had to be cut free by firefighters using hydraulic shears.

The two-year-old girl had been taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital by her concerned parents after a plastic moulded training seat got wedged over her head and round her neck on Sunday afternoon.

When her parents, who are in their 30s, could not free her, the child became distressed, but hospital staff were also unable to free the girl.

After around two hours, a fire crew from Blackburn were called to help.

Crew manager David Hilliard said: “I don’t know how she had got it round her neck.

“It was tight, but not strangling her. Because of the position on her neck, we couldn’t use our small gear for cutting through padlocks and chains.

“So we had to use the hydraulic cutting equipment we use to get people out of cars.

"People in the hospital must have wondered what on earth was going on.

“She was really distressed, but one of the crew made up a game for her and consoled her while we worked.”

The family, from Great Harwood, were able to return home and the firefighters received thanks from the doctors.