A 'DANGEROUS' drug addict who savagely mugged a Blackburn pensioner in the street has been told by top judges he deserved his indefinite jail term.

Graham Paul Holden, 27, was put behind bars indefinitely for public protection - which is almost identical to a life term, at Preston Crown Court in September last year after he admitted robbery.

Holden, of Bramwall Street, Blackburn, appeared at London's Criminal Appeal Court, where his lawyers challenged the open-ended sentence, saying it was 'excessive'.

But his appeal was dismissed by top judges, who said Holden had rightly been categorised as 'dangerous' and should only be released when he is no longer a threat to the public.

The court heard Holden's victim, 62-year-old Dorian Ainsworth, was walking along a Blackburn street in January last year when Holden came up behind her.

He grabbed her bag with so much force Mrs Ainsworth fell to the ground, injuring her knee.

Dismissing the appeal, Mr Justice Butterfield said: "This applicant, at the time of sentence, was unquestionably a dangerous man.

"He should not be permitted to be brought back into the community until the Parole Board is satisfied he is no longer a danger to the public."