THE manager of Blackburn’s Marks and Spencer store says he will review its sales strategy after concerns about customer behaviour during a ‘final reduction’ event yesterday.

Extra staff were drafted in to deal with the demand as the shop slashed prices to £1 on some items to make way for its winter collection.

But workers couldn’t get the clothes from the store room to the racks before ‘eager’ shoppers swooped for a bargain.

Manager David Wilkinson said: “It would be fair to say Thursday was not a general reflection of our normal trading.

“It was not our normal cust-omer base and their behaviour was not what we’ve come to expect from Marks and Spencer customers.

"Staff commented that those purchasing final reduction items were a little bit more enthusiastic than normal in their appetite to get at the sale stock.

"As a result, it made me think about how we handle it next time.”

Mr Wilkinson said ‘experienced’ staff handled the 90-minute rush after the store opened at 9am.

In-house security were not needed, and the police and Mall security confirmed they had received no complaints.

The location of the first floor sale, rather than the low prices, will be considered by management.

Mr Wilkinson added: “No staff were hurt. It was not dangerous, or uncontrollable.

“You see that behaviour in some places in the January sales when people want a bargain, especially in the current climate.

“The level of interest passed all expectations.”