A PENDLE primary school has been placed into special measures by Ofsted inspectors.

Earby Springfield Primary School was given a grade four by the education watchdogs when they discovered pupils achievement was inadequate, teachers had low expectations for their students and safeguarding systems were insufficient.

But Ofsted did praise the 163 pupil school for its links with the local community and the relationship between teachers and pupils.

In light of the findings, headteacher Dawn Liversidge, said she has already enlisted the help of Lancashire County Council to improve the Bailey Street school to lift it out of special measures.

She said: "Since the inspection we believe the school has already begun to make progress towards addressing the issues raised by the inspectors.

“We are grateful for the support already provided by Lancashire County Council and are confident that with this continued support we will be able to get the school out of special measures and are striving to achieve this as soon as possible.”

The school was last inspected in April 2007 when it was deemed satisfactory, or grade three.

In the report, Inspector Michael Sheridan said: “Improvements since the last inspection have not been as rapid or significant as expected because leadership and management are inadequate.

“The governing body has not challenged the school robustly enough. It lacks sufficient systems to review the effectiveness of the policies for which it is responsible.

“Middle management is not sufficiently developed to effectively support school development. Arrangements to monitor and review systems and policies, including those relating to safeguarding pupils, are ineffective, so the school cannot make sufficient improvements or strengthen its existing practice.

“The school's self-evaluation and its capacity to improve are inadequate.”

Lancashire County Councillor Susie Charles, cabinet member for children and schools, said: "It is disappointing for everyone involved when a school goes in to special measures, but I am sure that with the right support Earby Springfield will get back on track and give their pupils the best possible education."