PEOPLE with a form of autism which can make them withdrawn and depressed are being urged to join a new support group in East Lancashire.

The group is for people with Asperger syndrome and will meet in Rossendale tonight.

The National Autistic Society said it had set up the group after requests from people in the area affected by the condition.

Asperger syndrome is a less severe form of autism but makes it difficult for people to communicate and form relationships.

A society spokeswoman said: "People have been saying there is a need for a support group in East Lancashire. They have got in touch with us through our helpline and said they need somewhere to go."

She said it was a chance for people with the condition who are over 16 to socialise and added: "The group will arrange social events on a monthly basis. The activities arranged will be determined by the specific interests of the group members.

"Activities could include going to the cinema, meeting up in the pub for a drink, going for a meal, visiting a museum, or meeting up as a group for a chat or to play board games.

"The group will be supported by volunteers."

The group is also looking to hear from parents of people with the condition and health professionals.

People with Asperger syndrome usually have fewer language problems than people with autism, which is a neurological disorder that affects the brain's everyday functions.

They are also less likely to have learning difficulties and can attend mainstream schools. About 36 in 10,000 people in the UK have the condition compared to 91 in 10,000 who have autism.

However, Anja Rutten, the society's head of social programmes, said: "People with Asperger syndrome can easily become isolated from society and this can lead to problems such as depression. Social groups help to put people in touch with others who may have had similar experiences.

"Many of the people who come along do not get any support from anyone else."

The group will meet from 6.30pm to 9pm today at Accrington and Rossendale College, Haslingden Road, Rawtenstall.

For details contact Linda Kennedy on 0191 2263610.