A CLUB raider and an accomplice stole £600 from a Nelson club.

Burnley magistrates heard how Darren Sherratt, 20, was also accused of taking electrical equipment from the Palatine Club.

Sherratt, of Halifax Road, Nelson, admitted burglary. He was bailed for pre-sentence reports and the bench told him they were thinking of a medium community sentence. He has previous convictions for burglary and theft.

Sue Campbell, prosecuting, told the court work was being carried out in the club on the afternoon of March 9. The manager heard noises in the bar and saw two people who should not have been there.

He shouted the police were coming and went straight to call them. Officers arrived and the defendant was identified on CCTV. The pool table and three tills had been damaged and £400 in notes and £200 cash had gone.

Richard Taylor, defending, said Sherratt was doing well on a community order and had pleaded guilty at the first opportunity.