THE proposed name for the soon-to-be merged Lancashire and Cumbria police force has been revealed.

Cumbria and Lancashire Constabulary' has been suggested by the chief constables of the counties' existing forces after they staged discussions on the potentially-contentious issue.

Police authority members in Cumbria were due to vote on the name today, while counterparts in Lancashire will decide whether to give it the go ahead tomorrow.

Malcolm Doherty, chairman of the Lancashire Police Authority, said it was vital both counties were in the name.

He added: "It is also important that we maintain the word constabulary' rather than police force' as that ties in with the history of the forces.

"The name has been put forward as Cumbria and Lancashire on an alphabetical basis."

Lancashire and Cumbria police forces were the only ones in the country to agree to a voluntary merger as part of Home Secretary Charles Clarke's plan to create larger forces that can tackle terrorism and serious crime more effectively.

The new police authority will be in place within three months, with the new force itself being launched in April next year.

Police authority members agreed to merge the forces after the government pledged £14m of the £21m start-up costs.