I READ with great interest the fuss that Blackburn Transport's latest service changes have caused, in particular, changes to the "Outer Circle" service.

Graham Burgess has been reported as saying no more progress has been made on the sale of Blackburn Transport, and the council's priority is improving the quality of bus services.

Yet Blackburn Transport continues its policy of "playing" with buses rather than providing the quality of service the people of Blackburn with Darwen deserve.

The Outer Circle, or Track 5 as it is confusingly also known, has been re-branded "The OC".

Two 11-year-old double-decker buses are being painted in a hideous colour scheme.

Fares have been hiked up well above other services in the area, and great emphasis placed on obscurely naming buses after some old trams.

How does anyone expect this clear waste of money to actually improve the services?

Come on Mr Burgess, get a grip on your council's bus company.

Get management to finally stop "playing" buses and start providing the people of Blackburn with Darwen the bus services they deserve.

DAVE MARS, Manxman Road, Blackburn.