CRAIG Bellamy has revealed he knew he had made the right choice in agreeing to join Blackburn from the moment Rovers lost 3-0 to Newcastle earlier in the season.

While most Blackburn fans probably look back on that defeat as the nadir in what has otherwise been a sensational season, Bellamy has a different view of that fateful day in September because it provided him with confirmation, if it were needed, that he had made the correct decision in leaving Newcastle for Rovers, where Mark Hughes was about to embark on the first phase of his Ewood revolution.

Now, five months on, Bellamy is eyeing a possible place in the Champions League with Rovers, whilst Newcastle fans are breathing sighs of relief after caretaker boss Glenn Roeder appears to have staved off the threat of relegation.

"I knew the way the club was going to go," said Bellamy, when asked about his decision to swap St James' Park for Ewood.

"I remember when Newcastle came here and beat us 3-0 and, no disrespect to them, I thought they were one of the worst sides we've faced here.

"I remember thinking when I walked off the pitch I've made the right move in coming here. I know that for a fact because we're going to finish ahead of them'.

"We work a lot harder in training because of the staff we have here. I really hope Newcastle pick up because they've got the players to do that.

"But I knew I'd made the right choice in coming here and (the way we've performed) has proved it."

Bellamy has certainly wasted little time in settling in at his new club, scoring 11 goals in 22 appearances so far to help boost Rovers' push for Europe.

And he was instrumental once again at the weekend, laying on the winning goal for Morten Gamst Pedersen as Rovers beat Arsenal 1-0 to go fifth in the Premier League table.

"It was a very important win for us," said the Welshman.

"We want to push as high up the league as we can. We've been playing a lot of good football this year and we've got to try and keep that going for as long as we can."

Last week's training break in Dubai left the players refreshed and ready for the challenges that lie ahead and Bellamy believes the team ethic that Mark Hughes has managed to create within the squad could end up being crucial to Rovers' chances.

"We stick together, and we're all very close," he said.