A NELSON factory is to close with the loss of more than 150 jobs. Union officials today confirmed that Smurfit, which makes paper-based packaging products, will close later this year following the company's merger with Kappa.

It is expected workers will clock off for the last time at the Edward Street factory at the end of August.

The firm, which employs 151 people in Nelson, is offering some workers the chance to relocate to the plants in Stalybridge in Cheshire and West Auckland County Durham.

Representatives from colleges in Burnley, Nelson and Colne as well as Accrington and Rossendale College have also spoken to workers about re-training courses.

Today Martin Kelly, shop convenyor for the Transport and General Workers Union said staff were optimistic they would find new jobs.

He said workers had been on day trips to the other sites as well as holding a job club.

Mr Kelly said: "At the moment we are in the middle of a phased run down and everybody will be redundant. Initially there was a lot of shock and concern but now it seems to be a lot more positive The Evening Telegraph reported in January how the Nelson site was threatened with closure as part of a review of company operations.

Ireland-based Smurfit Kappa has more than 30 plants and the site has been operating in Nelson for 40 years.

Union regional industrial organiser Julie Burgess said: "The site is definitely closing. My understanding is everyone will be made redundant."

Lorna Melia, 32, a worker at the filling station sandwich shop at Leeds Road, Nelson, said: "Anywhere closing is bad news and obviously we are going to lose their custom. People have been coming in here but they also have their own staff canteen as well."

Regan Roberts, 22, a shop assistant at the Spar, Leeds Road, said: "They do come in here on their lunch breaks and after you notice a difference in trade.

"150 people is a lot and we are going to miss out on lots of their trade and so will the other shops because the workers all use them."

A spokesman for Smurfit said: "I can confirm that it is to close and that it's part of an on-going review so we can't say when it is going to close and give a date.

"I can't comment on any job losses."