THE mother of a severely handicapped baby boy is planning to sue hospital bosses for negligence.

Suzanne Fish, of Reservoir Road, Darwen, had her first child, Bradley, on October 2 last year, two weeks late and after 26 hours in labour.

But she claims complications during the birth left the baby unable to breathe for 13 minutes, and he now requires round-the-clock care.

Now Miss Fish, 21, has consulted a solicitor and says she is planning to take legal action against East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs Queen's Park Hospital, Blackburn.

She said: "You get past 26 weeks which is the danger period and think that nothing can possibly happen to your baby. You're in the hands of Queen's Park Hospital who have done it so many times before.

"You're waiting and waiting and waiting, and you have all the things ready at home then they tell you that isn't going to happen and you might not have a baby any more.

"You don't believe it's true and you think you must be dreaming. I still think I am dreaming sometimes."

Bradley, who Suzanne calls an amazing little fighter,' weighed 10lb 9oz when he was delivered.

She claims when her child was born he was clinically dead, but was brought back to life. He now suffers from hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), a form of brain damage, and regularly spends time at Derian House Children's Hospice, near Chorley.

In September Bradley is due to begin spending one day a week at Shear Brow Nursery, which has special facilities. Suzanne has also given up her job as a nursery nurse in Darwen to look after Bradley while her partner Michael Hannan, 23, works as a manager at a printing shop in Blackburn.

The couple are soon to move into a new, larger home, in Ewood, needed because of all the equipment necessary to look after Bradley, who she fears may not live past five years. He has no gag reflex so cannot swallow his own saliva, which needs to be sucked away with special equipment, and needs feeding via his nose.

Suzanne admits she feels lucky Bradley survived at all, but she says she has now instructed a solicitor, who has been sent her notes from the hospital and is waiting for information from an independent consultant.

She said: "All during my pregnancy I thought it was normal and he was quite happy and healthy. But in the last few weeks he started measuring as a really big baby.

"I was in labour for 26 hours and I was pushing for two.

"When he was born he had actually died. Then he was in a coma for about a week or so. Doctors said it was likely he would die within the first 24 hours. I just didn't believe it."

Lynn Wissett, director of clinical care and governance at the Trust, said: "I can confirm that we have received a letter from Miss Fish's solicitors concerning the birth of her son Bradley at Queen's Park Hospital Maternity Unit.

"I am unable to comment further on this case as it is now a matter which is being dealt with through the Trust's legal advisors."

The family has been given a signed football from Blackburn Rovers, which they are due to auction on internet site eBay, to raise money for Bradley's care.