NO wonder Blackburn residents are up in arms over the threat of prosecution over bin bags being left by council binmen (LET, January 28).

It is utter madness for binmen to refuse to take all refuse away. It is their job, they work for the cleaning department.

I appreciate they run the risk of getting hurt by needles or glass disposed of incorrectly, but what has happened to common sense? It can't be that hard to keep the bag away from the body then throw it in the wagon.

We are paying for a service that is doing us a disservice. If larger families need two bins, then give them two.

Years ago our binmen used to lift huge metal bins over their shoulders then chuck their contents in the wagon. Now they can't even lift a bin bag!

If rubbish is left uncollected then it should be removed by the householder. I haven't got an issue with that but what I do have a problem with is why are they being left in the first place?

What are we paying council tax for? If you go to the local tip at the weekend you have to queue to dispose of rubbish, proof that many householders take an interest in keeping their community clean.

Not all of us have the luxury of a car and therefore can't make that trip to ease the burden for the local council's binmen. Perhaps we should ask for petrol allowance for doing the council's job.

This borough is dirty, it is the pits. The council should be ashamed of itself for it has made this town what it is today.

I remember telling Jack Straw 20 years ago it was a filthy town and it certainly hasn't improved.

Instead of paying for sculptures and stupid displays in the middle of roundabouts perhaps the money would be better invested in giving us a cleaner town. Don't blame the binmen, blame the council.

MARGO WICKS (address supplied).