WARNING -- Only see this show if you're willing to subject your friends and colleagues to at least a couple of days speaking in an abominable French accent, making double entendre, and saying "good moaning" at every opportunity.

What could prompt this behaviour other than 'Allo 'Allo?

Based on the ever popular TV comedy series and featuring all the popular characters from Rene's caf, this hugely enjoyable comedy has been adapted for the stage.

The show is presented by the Charity Players in association with Samuel French and is a romp into the story of Rene Artois, a French cafe owner set during World War II.

The village has been occupied by the Germans, who have stolen all of its valuable artefacts.

Rene is hiding two brave but clueless British airmen who are subject of far-fetched plans to return them to England.

Not to be missed -- but don't say we didn't warn you when your friends stop talking to you.

'Allo 'Allo, Charter Theatre, Preston, Wednesday, October 19, to Saturday, October 22, 7.30pm. For tickets (£7.50) call box office on 01772 258858.